Denise Gauny

For Tahoe Donner Board of Directors

Valuing Members

As I said in my candidate statement, whether it’s your primary or vacation home, whether you've owned for decades or moved in last week, Tahoe Donner should provide all members with an outstanding experience. Sadly, many members feel disillusioned by the value and enjoyment they’re getting from Tahoe Donner. So, how do we fix this? To fix this problem, I believe the board needs to renew its focus on valuing members. That focus should inform every decision the board makes, and it should be a guiding principle for everything we do.

Here are a few examples:

Member Motivated Improvements

From the trails to Trout Creek, the beach to skiing, and the pools to tennis, at Tahoe Donner there’s an amenity for every member. We should prioritize amenity maintenance, renewal, and enhancement projects that revitalize member value and inspire member pride. By making these amenity investments, we value members by investing in lasting memories and greater enjoyment for you, your family, and your personal guests. Valuing members means making smart, member motivated capital improvements to our amenities.

Great Member Experiences

In recent years, it feels like members are losing valued services and programs while we are paying more and more for amenity access. Worse, it still feels like the amenities are often too crowded to enjoy. For what we pay in our annual assessment, members should get great benefits, affordable amenity pricing, and amenities that feel welcoming and exclusive. That’s how we rebuild member value! Valuing members means providing you and your family with the great services and recreational experiences you deserve as Tahoe Donner homeowners.

Real Community Conversation

In a member organization like ours, members should feel it’s as easy to talk with the board as it is with your friendly neighbor down the street. If I’m elected, we’ll reconnect the members and the board by creating new opportunities for individual board members and the board as a whole to have sincere two-way conversations with you, the members. For example, in addition to more informal and conversational town-hall-style forums, the board should be organizing member happy hours and new member meet-and-greets. Board members could also hold virtual and in-person office hours. Valuing members means having a board that connects with you as members and listens to you as neighbors.